Through this ETHICAL CODE, we want to acquire a public commitment with main groups of interest by applying our principles and values in all aspects of our business activity.
A fluent and continuous dialog and contact with the groups of interest is a priority for our Organization. A proof of our commitment is that we want to reflect in our ethical code also our compromise with social, environmental and economic issues.
Our ethical principles are based on integrity, transparency and equality on the development of our business activity, promotion of health and security of our employees and integrity of all persons that work at PREMATECNICA, customers and suppliers. The defense of Human Rights and environmental protection are also basic pillars of our culture.
PREMATECNICA undertakes to go further from mandatory regulation on these matters, moving ahead and implementing the necessary tools to ensure compliancy with the described principles, providing communication channels and conflict resolution tools in case there is any as a consequence of its application.
All PREMATECNICA employees and external collaborators must ensure the compliance of the present ethical code. In case of perceiving any breach or violation of it; they have the moral compromise to communicate it through the tools and channels the Company has implemented for this purpose:
Honesty: all employees as well as all external collaborators are committed to act according to local laws, with an ethical behavior commonly accepted, always ensuring the best for the Organization and business relations.
Equality: in all aspects at work. For employees; of professional opportunities regardless of gender, religion, race or culture. Also access in equal conditions for customers and suppliers to contracts, presentation of business proposals and budgets.
Integrity: respect to the person as a whole. All behavior that attempts against physical, moral or psychological integrity of any person related to the activity of PREMATECNICA is absolutly forbidden, ensuring always a complete respect to individuals in all levels.
It’s also PREMATECNICA’s responsibility to ensure physical integrity in the working offices, to ensure a healthy and secure environment through a complete labor risk avoidance plan (RAP):
Human Rights:PREMATECNICA supports and defends international regulations regarding Human Rights, specially the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations.
Transparency: all communications both internal and external must be planned and executed under the transparency principle, according to which all information related to the issue has to be communicated on time and form to all agents implicated and interested on it.
Internally, employees must be informed of any important issue related to PREMATECNICA in a clear way and with enough information to be completely understood. All aspects related to training, promotions or Human Resources matters will be directly communicated to the person object of it.
Customer’s contracts have to be clear and simple, understandable not only by experts in the matter. They have always to be compliant with local regulations and include all aspects related to the main object of the contract. Any modification on the conditions of the contract must be communicated to the parts involved in it on time and form.
Suppliers must play under the same conditions and with the same opportunities when applying to a contract with PREMATECNICA. Conditions and terms of contracts must be clear and based on transparency, honesty and mutual collaboration principles.
PREMATECNICA has the right to restrict future collaboration with any supplier of goods or services in case of breach of this ethical code:
Impartiality: the roles and responsibilities of implicated players in decision making are clearly defined and separated; ensuring decisions are made in an objective way and always respecting equal access to opportunities. This standard applies to all decisions taken within the Organization.
Ethical behavior in case of conflict of interest: decision making proceses will always be transparent. A person with personal implication on it won’t be allowed to take part on the process, ensuring always equal access to opportunities and impartiality.
Employees won’t accept presents that exceed normal practice or courtesy, payments or favors that may influence decision making process in any direction or sense. This same standard applies to presents given from PREMATECNICA as part of its commercial activity.
Extra-curricular activities made by any employee that may interfere in the normal business activity of PREMATECNICA must be informed to main managers within the Organization:
Confidentiality: in all aspects of the business activity. This applies to: relation with customers, supplier’s contracts, labor conditions and employee’s personal data. All necessary actions will be taken to ensure privacy of the information.
Environmental protection: PREMATECNICA defends environmental protection according to its policy and environmental plan; with the objective to minimize always its environmental footprint in all aspects of its business activity.
PREMATECNICA also wants to create environmental awareness within the employees as both internal and external collaborators, promoting a culture of environmental care.
This ethical code needs to be maintained, periodically reviewed and communicated both internally and externally to ensure is aligned with PREMATECNICA’s business reality at any time.
The evaluation ethical committee will analyze any demand of breach or violation of the present ethical code by any internal or external collaborator, taking the actions it may consider necessary.