March, 2020


Given the measures adopted by the national health authorities and the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), in relation to coronavirus/COVID-19 disease, we would like to convey to you that the safety of PREMATECNICA workers, of their clients, suppliers and stakeholders, is our highest priority.

For this reason, since last Tuesday, March 10, PREMATECNICA's Management made the decision to establish a contingency plan so as not to jeopardize the health of anyone in our environment, continue to provide our customers with our usual quality service with the least impact possible.

This contingency plan has been expanded since the activation of the state of alarm, Royal Decree 463/2020, on March 14, for the management of the health crisis situation caused by COVID-19. For this reason, all the PREMATECNICA staff, we are attending them from our homes from Monday 16 March with remote work services by telephone and email. With the entry of this Royal Decree, travel is limited:

  • All planned business trips are on hold, as well as face-to-face meetings, being available by videoconference.

  • Technical assistance services will be carried out when they are strictly necessary, on request in an exceptional way in case the security of the facilities is compromised.

  • Regarding delivery deadlines, supplies are being reported promptly in the event of incidents, subject to any new restrictions that may arise.

At PREMATECNICA we want to collaborate, to the extent of our possibilities, in containing the expansion of the coronavirus/COVID-19, for which we count on your maximum collaboration and commitment.

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